I even attended my first beach wedding. Who cares if I wa
sn't invited? If you're on a public beach, you're just asking for nosy people like me to come watch, right? :) Actually, Amy & I watched from the
balcony of someone else's house, so hopefully we were out of sight and didn't end up in
any pictures! Ha!
Since the beach, we've come back to reality at home. School is going well - plugging along. I've finally caught the bronchitis junk the rest of the fam
ily (including my in-laws) had a while back. It's not fun, people. I think I'd pay any amount fo
r some relief from coughing!
Ok - enough cold-medicine-induced babbling from me. Here are some pics -
the girls doing their morning yoga:

Jacob digging a hole with Mr. Mark:
I'm sure more beautiful pictures will come from Kyle soon - until then -