Monday, June 29, 2009

Video diary

Seeing how it's my birthday and I'm so incredibly busy today (watching old shows on is terribly exhausting) I'm just posting a few videos from our trip to Mississippi. I'll blog about it later, but we had a great time. My parents bought a slip-n-slide which brought hours of fun and belly rashes, we had a fabulous time seeing old friends, and got to relax and do nothing in rural south MS. Here ya go -

While swimming one day we took off Ellie's floaties and she just started swimming! Fearless.

And this is in the car on the way home - too many hours in a small space does strange things to my kids.

Monday, June 8, 2009

So it's officially summer at our casa. Actually, it's been summer for a couple of weeks now, but I think this is our first full week at home with no school.

Last week the kids and I went with K's mom (AKA Mimi) to their place in Myrtle Beach. Not sure if I've mentioned it before or not, but me and the beach + kids: not close friends. Something about applying sunscreen to 4 wiggly kids, making sure everyone has sunglasses, beach toys, hats, shoes, chairs, water, floaties, being lifeguard to those same 4 kids who think that they are invincible in the ocean, mentally counting 1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4, 1-2-3......"WHERE'S 4?" over and over, deciding we've had enough *fun* and loading everything back up in the wagon, pulling said wagon through the sand while the 4 kids run ahead of me, walking back to the house with sand rubbing a blister between my toes in my flip flops, having to rinse everyone down and give showers once back to get the 2 gallons of sand out of their hair and various other body crevices.....

Can you see why I'm longing for our July cruise to the Bahamas. A beach paradise with no kids to hear whine about the sun in their eyes? No sand to rinse off? No constant lookout for drowning victims? Paradise.

The pool was so much less stressful and I actually think the kids had almost as good of a time there. Lucas' swimming skills are much improved over last summer and with the other two boys wearing floaties I could relax a bit. Ellie spent her time in the kiddie pool where she impressed us with her un-fear (I'm sure that word's somewhere in the dictionary) of water and her self-taught swimming skills.

I took the boys to see Night at the Museum 2. I have to say that I was not looking foward to it, as most of the movies my kids want to see I don't normally enjoy. However, I was laughing out loud at several parts and had a great time.

I have no pictures to share as I didn't take a camera. (oops). But I did take our new flip video camera. And when I got home and downloaded all the video, I realized that Lucas had discovered the world of video. The 15 videos shot in the car were evidence of that.

The first one posted is his work. I don't think Steven Spielburg has much to worry about. :) (Disclaimer: If you have a tendency toward motion sickness, you may just want to close your eyes and listen. Don't say I didn't warn you.)

Yes, that was my sweet little princess saying "I'm gonna punch you."
And here she is with her mad swimming skillz. (I've always wanted to spell it that way)