Here's a little list today just to get back in the groove of things.
- We started a new homeschool curriculum in January. I thought I would love it but it's not turning out that way. However, we're stuck with it until May.
- Lucas is in a community theater group. His first assignment is to do a mime performance for a downtown event in March. If you know Lucas you will find it as ironic as I do that his first acting performance requires him to be silent.
- I have taken a freelance writing job. It's a great job. I write. They pay me. We'll see if I can keep it up.
- I have also decided that no matter how hard I try to make myself be a runner I am not one. I am okay with the fact that a 5K is as far as I will ever run. I would rather do an hour of an intense weight workout or even a P90x video instead of run. That's who I am and I am proud.
- We went to the dentist yesterday. The boys had chocolate and cookie dough flavored toothpaste. I found that a little odd.
- Ellie is at Kyle's parent's house all week. I have constantly had this feeling that I'm missing something or leaving something behind.
- I am ready for spring.
- I don't really have another one but can't stand to end with an odd number. Yes I have issues.