Tuesday, July 23, 2013

that time I took an unintended 4 month break

Wow. I certainly didn't mean to take a 4 month hiatus from the blog-o-sphere. Some big things have happened since March.  Kyle accepted a position as social media marketing strategist with the International Mission Board (IMB) for the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). He began his job June 10 and moved to Richmond, VA. God sold our home in Milledgeville in a week and the kids and I were able to move up on July 11. We have been staying in temporary housing and will move into our new house this week.

This morning I set the laptop up and asked the kids one by one to go in and record their thoughts about moving and our 2 weeks here. The results were - well, I'll just let you experience them. Here they are - 3 of the Brogdon children at their creative finest. One child stated he was camera shy and could not talk in front of a camera so he's not represented. Just a few notes:

1) None of this was prompted or staged. The only direction they had was to "talk about moving."
2) Evidently forever = til Thursday.
3) If you can understand what Noah is saying, you have my utmost respect.
4) When did my almost 13 year old start sounding like a grown man?