Friday, December 12, 2003

To be a Mary

I've been thinking a lot this Christmas season about Mary. Having 3 little boys now, I can't imagine what went through her mind as the angel told her that she was going to have the son of God. What an awesome responsibility!

Did she fully understand what it would entail? Did she realize exactly who she carried in her womb? Did she know as he grew that he was God in human flesh?

What was it like to watch Jesus, all God yet all human, learn to sit up, crawl, walk, and talk? Did he have a smile that captured the hearts of everyone who saw him? What was his laugh like? Was it contagious?

Did Mary ever stop to think why she was chosen? I know she must have thought, "Why me, Lord? Who am I to be mother to the son of God?"

Did she ever second guess her decision? After all, so much was at stake. She could lose Joseph, her fiance. And her reputation.......well, that was certainly down the tubes.

Did she ever think she wasn't good enough? Did she think it seemed to be an impossible task to be mother to Jesus?

Yet she accepted the task with a willing heart.

"I am the Lord's servant, and I am willing to accept whatever he wants. " (Luke 1:38 NLT)

Lord, may I be like Mary. Willing to accept whatever it is you ask of me, no matter how much I don't understand or how great the task may seem.

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