Monday, December 20, 2004

The Potty Blues

Potty training. You would think that as complex as God, our awesome creator, has made the human body, that potty training would be a breeze. It seems simple enough. You feel the urge, you go to the potty. And, with my oldest son, Sam, it was almost that simple. 2 years and 2 months into his life, he learned this basic principle in about 2 1/2 days.

Ben, our 3 year old, is a COMPLETELY different story. He was born premature, so we have been acustomed to him being a little late reaching various milestones. For that reason, I didn't even begin trying the whole potty training process until just recently. He turned 3 last week, and I made a commitment to have potty training boot camp this week. Saturday went wonderfully. Sunday was a mess. With church and naptime, the day was almost over before we made any effort and no progress was made. Today, let's not even go there. I know it's a learning process, but if I clean up any more accidents, I may as well invest in some carpet cleaner stock.

We've put him in "big boy pants" full-time now, except for naptime and nightime. I've always heard that's best because kids don't like being uncomfortable in wet pants.

They didn't know my child.

He could have the entire contents of Niagra Falls poured onto his clothing and he would sit quietly and watch TV until he was discovered.

You gotta love him,though. The look on his face when he is successful in "going potty" is priceless. And for that reason, I'll press on.

1 comment:

  1. I would hope the reason for you to "press on" is so that we don't have a teenager in diapers one day down the road.

    The Husband.
