Max. Max is a Labradoodle. Max is 9 months old. Max has never been potty outside or spent time on a leash or in a crate. Until meeting us. Max likes going potty outside. Max doesn't mind being on a leash. Max hates the crate. Max barks in the crate. Loudly. All night. But isn't he cute?
Last week we made a gingerbread train. The picture on the box looked much better than our finished product. But I'm sure the professional making that one didn't have near the fun we did! (I'm tired of trying to find out why blogger is underlining this entire post. So please ignore it)
Also last week, the boys had their Medieval Feast to sum up their semester at Master's Academy. They have learned so much about this time period and it was fun to get to see the fruit of their learning. Here they are dressed in their Medieval garb - Noah's a knight. Lucas had to be a Pharisee for his portion of the show (with King Herod in the nativity pantomime) but underneath his cloak he has on a tunic, and Jacob wanted to be a peasant. Aren't they cute?

We're just livin' & survivin' right now. Last weekend I was at the doctor with the worst sinus infection I've ever had. Confirmed by an x-ray. I'm feeling much better after antibiotics and steroids. The steroids are another post entirely, so I'll save that for a rainy day.
The puppy is soo cute! And the kids looked great! I'm glad you guys are doing well, minus the sinus infection.