Sunday, July 18, 2010


Noah has quite a lot to say on some days and is completely silent on others. But when he does say something, I listen. It's often profound. Or so hilariously funny I have to disguise my laugh as a coughing fit.  They usually come out of the blue. We can be talking about swimming and Noah will suddenly pipe in with a bit about England or some other random topic.

Here are some quotes of the past few days:

"I have a stomach of steel. I'm always hungry.....except when I'm full."

"If Fat Albert were real, he'd have diabetes."

"It's a good things Mville has lots of trees. That way there's oxygen so we can breathe. If there
weren't any trees we would all suffocate and die."

When being introduced to a co-worker of Kyle's, Noah's response was:
"Hola. Mi nombre es Noe." We had never even heard him speak Spanish before, and
certainly not to introduce himself to someone!

The following happened a few months ago, but still makes me laugh.

We were at the dentist and Noah climbed up in the chair. The dentist said "Are you playing baseball too?" (Lucas had just had his turn and had been talking about baseball).
"No," Noah said.
"What are you doing right now, then?" the dentist asked, expecting an answer of all the extra-curricular activities Noah was involved in.
"Sitting in this chair," Noah replied.   Ah.... the literal mind of an Asperger's child.

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