Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Dear Lucas,

Today you are 10. Double digits. Two whole hands.

Every year you continue to amaze me by the young man you are becoming. Your name means "bearer of light and truth" and that says it all.

At 10 you:
*are very independent. You hardly need me for anything anymore. Which is good, but also makes me a little sad.

*LOVE cars. You can name every car on the road and most of the time the model year too. You tell us you want an old mustang when you can drive. We'll see if that changes in the next 6 years.

*can and do read an astonishing number of books weekly. You love, love, love mysteries, but will read anything. You are really enjoying Hank Zipster books right now.

*are always hungry. You can eat a huge lunch and I will find you eating a sandwich a couple of hours later. Though I'm still not sure where it goes since you are so. very. skinny.

*are almost taller than I am. Not much longer and I'll be looking up to you.

*wear the same size of shoe as I do.

*have started calling us Mom and Dad. Which I'm not so sure I like. :)

*are learning to play the guitar.

*love music. Switchfoot is your favorite, but you also really like Toby Mac.

*like to draw comics. You are showing your Dad's talent for art, though you aren't really interested in
trying anything that doesn't look like a cartoon.

*love to be on-the-go. You would travel the world everyday if possible.

*hate math.

*hate being still.

*love being outside.

*are showing us everyday how blessed we are to have you as our son. You are an incredible young man and we believe that God has big things in store for you. Our prayer is that His purposes are fulfilled in your life and that you grow up to be a Godly man, husband, and father. We can't wait to see what this year brings for you!

We love you!
Mom & Dad

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