Wednesday night is Ellie's gymnastics class. It couldn't be at a worse time - I drop her off at gym, the boys and I meet Kyle at church, eat dinner, then I go pick Ellie up and bring her back to church.
There's a point to this - hang in there.
This past Wednesday, she complained of a sore throat all day. But, I assumed it was for attention, since she also told me she needed to lay on the couch and watch tv all day. However, when it was time for gymnastics, she happily got ready to go and off we went.
I did the normal routine and made it back in time to see the last few minutes of her class. I could tell she wasn't her normal self - she was actually standing still while waiting in line and not talking to anyone. When class was over, she slowly walked towards me and said her throat hurt.
And here's my mom quote of the year - "You're fine. Get your shoes on and let's go."
That's when I put my hand to her forehead and quickly regretted my statement. She was burning up.
Commence "Mom of the Year" (MOY) celebration.
By the time we got home, her temp was 102. So, not only had I ignored her complaints all day, but I obviously sent her to gymnastics for 1 1/2 hours sick as a dog.
(Has anyone else ever marveled at phrases we use? Just how sick is a dog?)
(Or am I the only one who uses that phrase?)
(Please don't answer that.)
The good news is by yesterday afternoon, her fever was gone and now all that's left is a constant. hacking. cough.
Lest I lead you astray in thinking this is my first win at MOY - let's just say I'll probably start using the extra bedroom as a MOY crown showcase.
What about you? Has anyone else won MOY? Or even been nominated?
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