**Evidently, in my head, blogging for 31 days means everyday but Sunday. Sorry for the lack of post yesterday. We got home from a conference in Atlanta Saturday night, so I spent Sunday getting back into the routine of real life.**
We are often asked how we came to the decision to adopt. I always answer that it wasn't a difficult decision for us. There was no lengthy debate about the pros and cons. We didn’t spend restless nights wondering if this was the right thing to do. It was just the natural next step for us.
Kyle and I had talked about adopting before we were even married. We knew that adoption would probably be part of our family in some way, but weren't sure how or when this would happen.
Our first son, Lucas was born just 13 months after we got married. Then 15 months later, our little Noah made his early entrance into the world. 17 months after that, Jacob was born. Three c-sections in less than 3 years. Kyle and I both knew we were done having biological children.
Life was full, blessed, busy and exhausting! So, I did what any mother of three little boys under the age of three would do. Approximately 2.8 months after Jacob was born, I began researching adoption! Clearly I was suffering from a severe lack of sleep and mental exhaustion.
The choices were overwhelming, but we had two categories narrowed down. We knew we’d like to adopt a girl (Mama needed some pink in the house!), and we knew where we wanted to adopt from. Kyle and I both had traveled throughout Central America and God had planted a love for the people in our hearts.
Guatemala was the only country that made adoption a relatively easy process. I use the term "easy" loosely. We found out quickly that in the world of adoption, there is no such word.
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