Friday, December 19, 2014


Someone told me once "the days go by slowly, but the years fly by." Or something like that. Whatever the exact wording, it's so very true. I'm not sure the rule really goes into effect until you're older than 30, but it seems every year about this time I stop and think "Well. That was fast."

This year has found us venturing into the beautiful, broken world of foster care, walking with my dad through his cancer diagnosis, changing school situations and churches, falling more in love with our city and neighborhood, and increasing the total number of teenagers in our home from one to two. 

2014 has definitely been a roller coaster. We've seen God work in our family, in other families, in our city, and in other nations in great ways. We've also had moments of begging Him to break the silence and show us His glory. We've questioned circumstances and celebrated victories. We've watched our kids grow in their knowledge of the gospel and tried our best to guide them through deep anxiety and doubts. While Kyle and I celebrated 15 years of marriage this year, we've also had to cry out to Him to unite us and heal broken places in our marriage.

I love taking time to look back. God often tells us in scripture to not forget what He has done. I want to be reminded of how He has worked and be able to tell my children what God has done. Looking back reminds me of His goodness.

I'm not as good at looking forward. Thinking about the future can fill me with worry and fear unless I remember that my God is sovereign.  I desire to be the woman who "laughs without fear of the future."  So I'm anticipating 2015 and whatever is ahead because I know that whatever God has planned is for His glory.

"The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy." - Psalm 126:3

The kids were thrilled with our first winter in VA! Lots of snows days. 

homeschool day at the capitol

We've been working on the house since we moved in. The half-bath/laundry room was my winter project.

Tired of fighting with blogger to rotate this picture. Ellie finished 2nd grade at Watkins Elementary in June and started 3rd grade at home this year.

We took Kyle's brother and sis-in-law to DC in the spring.

Busch Gardens

Another picture that won't rotate. This is a picture our oldest foster daughter drew of her new "family." Foster care is definitely not for the faint-of-heart.

We spent the 4th of July at Kyle's parents' beach house. Ellie was a little melancholy that day. 

Jacob and I got to spend part of the 4th at urgent care with a badly infected elbow wound (from falling off his scooter).

We've watched this boy grow into an over 6 foot tall 14 year old this year!

First day of 9th, 7th, 6th, and 3rd grades
The boys and I at a Richmond Flying Squirrels baseball game

Merry Christmas from the Brogdons!

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