My children eat the most disgusting mixtures of food imaginable. Maybe it has something to do with their age, or maybe it has everything to do with them being boys. Here are some of their favorites:
If Lucas is eating yogurt, anything is fair game to be dipped. Some recent victims include, cheese, green beans, and chicken nuggets.
Whenever corn and mashed potatoes are present on the plate together, it is a Lucas Law that they must be "all mixed together" before they will enter his mouth.
Noah will put any combination of foods in his mouth. Currently he is eating a piece of ham and a bite of a bran muffin.
Another Noah favorite: any dessert and any meat available on his plate. (I'd like to thank my mother-in-law for this one. To get my children to eat veggies or meat, she often disguises it under a bite of pie or cake.)
Ketchup is also a universal topping. Lucas dipped his mixed veggies in ketchup a few days ago after realizing he was not getting down from lunch until he ate 2 bites.
Noah has been known to cram grapes, meatloaf, and a drink of milk all at once.
And poor Jacob will eat anything he's given. I make his baby food and am beginning to mix foods together for the sake of saving a few freezable containers. Some his future meals: chicken, peas, and carrots; sweet potatoes and chicken (that's probably not so bad, actually), potatoes, broccoli, and chicken.
Now that you're good and hungry, go try some new mixtures of your own! :)
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