Whew. What a day!
I loaded up the boys (who by the way are 3, 22 months, and 5 1/2 months) this morning for at trek to my husband's office. I do this from time to time, though sometimes I'm not sure why. My reasoning today, however, was a flu shot.
Our adventure began at 9:00 when I started loading them in the van. To get ready to go somewhere with my clan, I have to begin gathering them about 30-40 minutes before I need to leave. Here's why....
By 9:10 I have Lucas (the oldest) and Jacob (the youngest) in the van. I am chasing Noah (the middle one) who senses that "The Wiggles" are about to be turned off (The Wiggles is a tv show on Disney, that's another blog in itself), and is running to the TV to protect his beloved Wiggles. After catching Noah, I put him in the van with his brothers.
By 9:15, we are all in the van. I reach for the keys......The keys......This, as my husband will tell you, is an everyday occurrence. My keys are in one of four places...the front seat of the van, my purse, the diaper bag, or a basket in the kitchen. I check the first 3 and no luck. Back into the house to fetch my keys.
9:20 I'm back in the van ready to go. One last check to make sure I have everything, and everyONE. And we're off (and in record time, I might add)
After a few errands, we head for Alpharetta. It always amazes me that this less than 30 mile drive takes at least an hour with moderate traffic.
We're not in the car 10 minutes when Lucas starts asking "Are we there yet?" I don't mind answering this once, but it doesn't end there. I believe he is THE most persistent 3 year old on Earth. Every 2 or 3 minutes, Lucas pipes up "Are we there yet?" Which makes for a LONG ride.
An hour later, we pull into the parking lot. I drive to the visitor's parking which is conveniently located right up front. No free spaces. That's okay, surely there is another close one. No such luck. I park in what seems to be the farthest space available, and begin the next leg of the journey, unloading.
I have this down to a science. I won't bore you with the details, but 6 minutes after parking, we are headed into the building.
Once in Kyle's office, I realize his "30 minute meeting" has gone a little over (by almost 30 minutes). My children are destroying everything they can touch. There are candy machines, Beanie Babies, yo-yos, balls, and other play things on everyone's desk. My children think it is the grandest place to visit next to Toys-R-Us.
After a few minutes of chasing them away from valuable items, Kyle emerges from his meeting. We head downstairs and out to the pond for our picnic. Lunch was nice, except for Noah crushing Lucas' pretzels with his feet and digging through the trash. Back inside, Jacob is the topic of conversation, while the other two are into everything. I think I said "No, don't touch" more than I can count. After a few minutes, I can take it no longer and decide it's time to go.
30 minutes later, we are back in the van heading home. I was looking forward to a quiet ride home with my children peacefully sleeping....yeah, right. About 10 minutes from our house, Noah falls asleep. I notice Lucas is asleep as I'm pulling into the driveway. Thinking I'll just transfer them quietly into their beds, I open the door quietly. Lucas pops his head up and says "Are we there yet?"
Now I sit listening to them having a grand ole time in their room. No nap today. Good thing Daddy's got them tonight. I, fortunately, will have a night of adult conversation at a women's Revive Our Hearts conference downtown. I think I need a nap first.
And my whole reason for this crazy day was????? Oh yeah, the flu shot. I think next time, I'll drive the 5 min. to my doctor's office and pay the 8 bucks extra.
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