Today Noah was baptized. He wore his googles and went forward instead of backward. But his heart was right. He wanted to be obedient to Christ.
About a year and a half ago, Noah prayed and asked God to be his boss & to forgive his sin. He became at that moment a new creation - a child of God. He knew that it wasn't being baptized that would save him. He understood that baptism was obedience and taking a stand before everyone that Jesus Christ is his Lord. He knew. He understood. But he was terrified. We let it go and prayed for the Lord to speak to him and work in his heart.
So, when it was announced a few weeks ago that baptism would be this Sunday, we asked him - like always - if he was ready. I was surprised to hear "I'll think about it" instead of the adamant NO! that we usually heard. After discussing it with him, it was clear that he was ready. Hesitant and nervous, but ready.
"But," he said, "can I wear my goggles?" Noah has never put his entire head under the water (by his own choosing, at least) and must wear goggles in the water at all times, even though his eyes are always above it. That's just one of the quirky things that makes Noah....Noah.
(Here's the part where I am honest and let my faulty flesh shine through to all of blogworld.)
My immediate thought was "Of course not! Whatever would all those people think if you have goggles on?!?! Jesus did not wear goggles. You should not wear goggles. How will I ever keep my reputation as a godly, spiritual mother if my son is baptized in goggles???" Thankfully, I didn't voice my opinion but instead said "We'll have to see about that." Kyle was all on board with the goggle-wearing, citing that nowhere could you find a passage that says "goggles may not be worn during baptism." I emailed our pastor thinking surely he would agree with me.
His reply - this is a direct quote -
"Regarding Noah... he can wear scuba gear if he wants to :-). I have no problem with the goggles."
Not what I had expected. Thinking that maybe God was trying to teach me something (ya think???) I stopped at that moment and prayed. I admitted that I was worried about what others would think - that I felt the need to explain to everyone beforehand why my son had goggles on. I began to tell God how important it was that Noah not wear goggles.
I'm not sure what I was expecting. Maybe I thought God would change Kyle's mind and he would see my point of view. Instead, God changed my heart. He showed me that I was more worried about what people would think than I was about Noah's heart to follow after Him. He showed me that I was being legalistic. He took away my desire to explain the situation and gave me peace that He was leading Noah. I repented and asked God to show me Noah's heart.
And He did. Noah was more nervous than I have ever seen him. He was quirkier than usual the moments before baptism. I was afraid he wouldn't go through with it. But he did. Even though it was hard for him, even though he was terrified, he did it. To see his smile as he came out of the baptistry, to see the joy on his face afterwards, to watch him be obedient to his Savior despite the obstacles - I had to stop and give God glory.
Today, I was reminded of how many times I have not been obedient because it was too hard or I was too afraid. I pray that I can be as courageous as Noah. That the next time God asks me to follow Him I won't tell him I can't because I'm scared or it's too hard for me. Oh to be obedient despite the costs! That's my heart's desire. Thank you, my precious Noah, for teaching me something today.

Here's the video -(Lucas took it so if you're prone to motion sickness you may want to skip it. )
Click on the thumbnail to watch.
Noah's baptism 8/30
SO SO SO cool - - thanks for sharing - I was in nursery but wish I would have been there. Thanks for your honesty and giving God the glory through it all - precious and that picture needs to be framed - absolutely AWESOME!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOne more thing - I was reading this to Sean (b/c he was in there this morning w/ Mack) and I was tearing up reading it and he said to me, "Truly - one of the most heartwarming and cool things I have ever seen w/ baptism."
ReplyDeleteJust thought you would want to know you guys and Noah had a big impact today!!!
So precious! Mark and I both were holding back tears. Yes, I agree with Mandy. It is a great lesson in being obedient to God. I need a daily reminder of this! Sweet-sweet Noah - we love him. We love all of your kids, but Noah holds a special part of our hearts!
ReplyDeleteThat definitely made cry. :) Thanks for sharing your heart! Noah is awfully blessed to have parents like ya'll!
ReplyDeleteThis is precious! He truly has a heart for God and he takes after his momma! This story was such a sweet story and a great lesson for me also.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing!