Saturday, June 24, 2006

DATE: 11/10/2005 07:58:37 PM
Noah was in the bathtub tonight and said "Mommy, how do they make chicken nuggets?" (How that topic came up in the bath, I have no idea). I told him I wasn't sure and he said "I bet they take some chicken and wrap it up in crunch and that's how."

We told Lucas the other day that next month he'd be going to the dentist. Our last visit to the dentist with him (at the age of 2 1/2) was horrible (thanks to the dentist scene in the movie Nemo). He came downstairs today and told me "when I think about having to go to the dentist, it just makes me want to cry all day!"

Anything Jacob says is funny, so there's not enough room here to write them all. The one thing he consistently says that's not so much funny as sweet.....anytime we're out shopping and he's in the shopping cart, he'll reach out his arms and say "I need hugs, Mommy." Everyone together now...."aaawwwwww"

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