I've never pretended to live a glamorous life. But, I do think it's a pretty blessed one. Our days are usually not anything special, just ordinary and routine. But, in those times of routine, if I look hard enough, there is always something so amazing. Today was one of those days. Nothing special. In fact, it was so ordinary, that I was tempted to wallow in self-pity. Feeding kids, changing diapers, teaching Lucas, refereeing fights, feeding kids again, changing more diapers, breaking up more fights...........and so it goes. After having a little whiny session to God, He made me realized how wonderful life actually is. We have a house that's more than one room (which is more than many people around the world can say), we have food and are not hungry, we have clothing and shoes, and although there's not a lot, we have money to keep our lights and water running and a few extra luxuries.
My kids drive me absolutely insane on rare occasions. Then I stop and think about those (even close friends) who would give anything for a baby, and I quit griping about my crew of children. I even wonder sometimes if anything we teach them is sticking in their little minds. But then we get a compliment as we did when we were eating out Sunday, and someone says "My husband and I were just talking about what well-mannered, well-behaved children you have." And it blows me away that they're speaking of My boys.
My husband was "hand-picked" for me. There was a song that was popular a few months ago, I guess. A line in the song says "I wonder what God was thinking, when He created you. I wonder if He knew everything I would need..........." I just keep thinking, of course He did. Kyle is such my opposite in many ways, but ways that I need someone to fill in those gaps in my life. He keeps me grounded and sane (and surprises me with Steven Curits Chapman Christmas concert tickets). In the words of Michael W. Smith (who my dear husband listens to with all tolerance because of me) he truly is "the other side of me."
God has given me so much.
Here are some pictures of our day today (which probably have nothing to do with my previous emotional spill)
Noah cheesin' it up for the camera.
Lucas.....he's getting so big!
Lucas and Ellie playing.
Jacob and Noah playing piano.
This isn't from today, but I thought he needed equal "airtime."
Last, but certainly not least, here's Ellie.
Kyle didn't like the 1st picture of Noah, so here's a little better one.
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