Last Monday, Ellie went to the doctor so we could get lab results from all her blood work and a weight check again. She finally gained a pound since coming home almost 2 months ago. Her labwork was all normal, except that she was a little anemic. Nothing a few iron drops can't fix. The doctor did, however, still hear a heart murmur. She thinks it's innocent, but because we have no medical history on Ellie, we're off to the cardiologist Dec. 6. She also recieved her 2nd round of vaccines. I was a little nervous because a month ago she had one of the vaccines and her eye swole up the next day. It cleared up quickly, but I wondered if it were an allergic reaction.
Monday night, I began to notice that the same eye was beginning to look a little puffy. Kyle told me I was seeing things, but Tuesday morning confirmed what I thought. When she woke Tues. morning, she looked as if she'd been in a brawl the night before. It just got worse and worse, began to drain gunky stuff, and by Tuesday afternoon it was in both eyes. I took lots of pictures in case it was gone by the time we got to the doctor, but I didn't even have to pull out the camera. Here eyes were evidence enough. Turned out to be Pink Eye which none of the rest of us caught, thank God! She looked sooo miserable, though. After a few doses of eye drops, she was back to her old self.
Here's Ellie on Tuesday morning before it was too bad.
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