Sunday, January 18, 2009

Noah's new skill

First an update. After 9 months, we have finally found someone to do Noah's autism evaluation!!! I am ecstatic that after much fighting with insurance and a well-known clinic downtown, I found a pediatric neurologist who has diagnosed many kids in our area - and we aren't on a year long waiting list! We have an actual appointment March 4! Whooooo hoooooo!!!

Noah continues to amaze me, though, with his intelligence, wit, and thoughts. The other, day out of the blue, he says to me "will I have this hair my whole life?" I said "yes, you probably will." He said "whew. I sure don't want to wear a wig like George Washington!" :) He was very serious - which makes me laugh even more.

A few months ago, he decided to show off his new talent to us. Evidently, in his spare time, Noah had been learning to breakdance. Or as he put it "hip hop dancing." He is now king of hip-hop.

Here he is showing some of his mad skillz. (**Yes, the lampshade is crooked. Yes, it's broken. No, I will not spend money to buy a new one until I'm guaranteed that the monkeys will not destroy it.**)

***updated to add: some of you have expressed concern that we think Noah has a future as a dancer. Let me assure you this is not the case. :) Noah, however, is very serious with his breakdancing which makes it even funnier.***


  1. That is how Caleb dances! Maybe they take classes at the same studio...LOL!!

  2. So cute! So glad to hear that you are able to get him that evaluation. I will keep you and him in my thoughts and prayers that he gets the help he needs.

  3. I'm so excited that you guys finally found a doctor. And his dancing looks really good, a little practice and he will be in music videos or something, lol
