Wednesday, July 21, 2010

"come listen to a story 'bout......"

One fine day I'll get around to writing a post about our move down to mizzabill (as Ellie likes to call it). But that would involve me actually making coherent sentences and forming paragraphs and, since it's somewhere between 99 and 200 degrees outside and the sun shines straight into my house in the middle of the afternoon, that's not possible for me. But soon, my friends, soon. A post is coming - along with pictures.

However, there's a new adventure about to take place in our house. For reasons much too lengthy to write about, we registered the kids in the public school here on a trial basis. After a month, should it not be going well, we will bring them back home. And, no matter what, it's only for this year. Depending on who you talk to, we're either totally smart or amazingly stupid. I'll let you know in a few weeks.

Anyhoo - I took the kids to register them last week and we were allowed to wander freely about the school. My boys were so excited about every little thing. "Wow!" "Look at that!" "Do we get to go in there?" "They have COMPUTERS!" "Can we eat in the cafeteria?" "There's a water fountain!!"

I just laughed and prayed that none of the staff heard their sheer amazement - we were definitely "the Clampetts go to school." For now, I will enjoy this time of wonderment and excitement. 'Cause in a couple of weeks, bless their poor naive hearts, they'll be singing another tune.


  1. Emily truly did love school. Her only dislike really was having to remain so quiet, and what they considered recess was a joke to her. LOL

  2. Excited to hear all about your new school adventures and can hardly wait to see pictures of the house, etc!!!!! Love the new blog look!
